Search Results
One SQL to Rule Them All - Fabian Hueske
One SQL to Rule Them All (Beam Summit Europe 2019)
Webinar: Flink SQL in Action - Fabian Hueske
#bbuzz: Fabian Hueske - Querying Data Streams with Flink SQL – Part 2
Why and how to leverage the simplicity and power of SQL on Flink - Fabian Hueske & Timo Walther
Berlin Buzzwords 2018: Fabian Hueske – Leverage the power and simplicity of SQL on Apache Flink
Berlin Buzzwords 2019: Jakub Piasecki & Fabian Hueske – 7 reasons to use Apache Flink #bbuzz
Flink Forward 2016: Fabian Hueske - Taking a look under the hood of Apache Flink’s relational APIs
FlinkSQL aggregation
Berlin Buzzwords 2016: Fabian Hueske & Till Rohrmann - Streaming analytics and CEP ... #bbuzz
Cost/Performance in Modern Data Stores. How Data Caching Systems Succeed
[EuroSys'21] Profiling Dataflow Systems on Multiple Abstraction Levels (Long)